Nature's Sweet Miracle: Raw Honey

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Introducing raw local honey into your families daily routine (starting in children over 1) is a great way to get their systems adjusted to the pollens that are in the environment around them and boost immune systems.

Well…allergy season has come in like a hurricane! Many of us are using are over the counter medicines and nasal sprays daily . We are trying to keep our allergies at bay in addition to keeping them from turning into something more like a sinus infection. Years ago I learned about RAW LOCAL HONEY being used to help combat against seasonal allergies as well as helping to build up my families immune systems to “get better adjusted” to the regional seasonal allergens. From age 1 my oldest son who had terrible allergies started taking 1 teaspoon of raw local honey daily. After a couple weeks I did see an improvement in him. His morning sneezing & coughing routine subsided and we were able to keep up with this routine throughout the year with great success. It wasn’t long after experiencing the benefits of treating our allergies with raw honey that I decided to add to my natural living repertoire by starting to make my own elderberry syrup using the raw local honey. This was a wonderful and tasty way to get the honey into our systems with the added boost of the elderberries, cinnamon, ginger and clove. Introducing raw local honey into your families daily routine (starting in children over 1) is a great way to get their systems adjusted to the pollens that are in the environment around them. When we moved from FL to SC almost 2 years ago this was so beneficial to those in my family that suffer from seasonal allergies. I have cursed the horrible rag weed since moving here – this was not something us south Floridians had to deal with and was a new allergen that sent my boys through the roof with their symptoms! In addition to helping with allergies raw honey is natures best kept secret for SO MUCH MORE!


  • It’s a Phytonutrient powerhouse! The phytonutirents in honey are where its antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal properties come from. These phytonutrients are the properties that make raw honey such an immune-boosting and anticancer remedy.

  • As a folk remedy for centuries, raw honey stands out as a wound and skin healer for humans as well as animals. While Manuka honey has studies supporting its use for reducing infection and reducing healing time raw local honey that is not pasteurized can also be extremely beneficial in treating skin infections, wounds and killing germs. For treatment you would apply the raw honey directly to the wound or burn covering with a dressing or gauze for 24-48 hours. The wound should be checked every 2 days and dressing changed every 24-48 hours unless directed otherwise by a medical practitioner.

  • Raw honey is also an excellent prebiotic in that it nourishes the good bacteria that lives in the intestines. This good bacteria is vital for proper digestive and gut health. It has also been used to treat diarrhea and stomach ulcers.

  • Sore throat? Your grandmother likely knew that adding raw honey into hot tea with some honey would be relief and healing to a raw and sore throat. If you like the taste of honey you can omit the tea and take a spoonful or two as needed to bring relief. It also works as a cough suppressant and there is research that honey is as effective as dextromethorphan (a common ingredient in over-the-counter cough medicine).

  • Raw honey is the oldest known antibiotic dating back to the ancient times. Egyptians often used honey as a natural antibiotic and skin protector. Honey can help kill bacteria and aid in the healing process inside and outside your body.


Some important things to keep in mind. NEVER give infants under 1 year old raw honey. Raw honey can contain a harmful bacteria such as Clostridium botulinum that is very dangerous for babies. I encourage you to do your own research about the benefits and uses for raw local honey and educate yourself of the risks for children under 1. Also, it is VERY important to purchase your raw honey from a trusted and licensed local producer. We have partnered with J and J Family Farm in Clover, SC. Jennifer Stalford is a SC Certified Beekeeper and is a member of the Your County Beekeepers Association and the SC Beekeepers Association. Check out their website at


To purchase raw local honey from us please visit our website
